Four simple ways to incorporate Feng Shui into your home

feng shui

What is Feng Shui, and where does it come from?

We have all heard the term Feng Shui, but many of us don’t fully understand the principles and practices that come with adopting this lifestyle. Feng Shui has been traced back through ancient Chinese practices to around 960 B.C. 

When incorporated, this practice can have a tremendously positive impact on your life and the life of those around you. Feng Shui begins with the art of arranging objects around you to support the flow of Chi – a force that permeates all areas of life. 

Wind and water – translated from Feng and Shui are elements that are associated with good health in Chinese culture. Decorating your home using this practice will help to enhance aspects of your life by syncing you with the environment and inviting energy into your home. 

Feng Shui works with five elements and a pattern called the Bagua map. This will help to guide the placement of your furniture and decoration within your home. 

The five elements of Feng Shui

  • Wind – partnerships and knowledge
  • Water – career and flowing 
  • Fire – passion and fame
  • Wood – vitality and wealth
  • Metal – efficiency and beauty

The key to this practice is to balance the five elements above when using them for decoration in your home. Each element symbolises a certain quality (shown above), and to live the most fulfilling life, you must keep these elements in balance with each other. 

Most interior design that incorporates this practice use chimes, plants and indoor water to manipulate the energy. Decluttering and minimalist living can also help to focus energies. 

As the modern lifestyle transitions, the basics of Feng Shui are still very popular and utilised in the rooms that we spend most of our time in – the living and home office. It’s also used by the front door to clean guests’ auras and welcome them into an inviting atmosphere. 

The benefits of Feng Shui for all the family

Feng Shui principles can benefit all of your family, friends and visitors to your home. Below are just some of the benefits you can expect to see when you make this interior design lifestyle change: 

Enhance your wealthy prospects

If you are looking to enhance your wealth this year, try including water features such as fish tanks in your home. You may also wish to find your ‘wealth area’, which is determined by which direction your house is facing and the floor plan layout in relation to your front door. 

Finding love 

Love is a common benefit that people seek when using this practice. Placing fresh flowers in a certain area of your home – known as the peach blossom area – (it differs depending on your birth year) is thought to advance finding love. 

Your Zodiac SignYour peach blossom place in your home
Rat, Monkey, DragonWest
Rabbit, Boar, SheepNorth
Snake, Rooster, OxSouth
Tiger, Horse, DogEast

Advance your career

The North side of your home is thought to symbolise your career and should be lacking in surface area or space. To find the prosperity area in your home that helps career advancement, enter the room you would like to rearrange, turn so that your back faces the front door, and the furthest left corner you can see will be your prosperity corner. 

Improve your health

It is thought that correct Feng Shui practice can improve your health – but should not replace exercise, food or sleep. Find the health area in your home and (if possible) place your bed there or if you are unable to do that, place your bed in the general direction of your health area. 

Increase your energy levels

Increase your motivation and creativity levels by placing plants in the east area of your home. The obstacles area (often the kitchen and storage areas) are considered unlucky places in your home. Moving your bedroom or office to your prosperity area will increase your energy levels. 

How can you incorporate Feng Shui into your home?

Now that we know how this practice can benefit and enhance your life, let’s take a look at 4 ways you can incorporate this practice into your interior design and decorating throughout 2023.

General tips for decorating with Feng Shui

  • Choose a welcoming front door to make a good impression on your visitors and attract energy into your home. 
  • Decluttering your home and living minimally will help with free-flowing energy and will give you room to clear your head. 
  • Make use of crystals and add natural elements such as houseplants to improve energy, increase health and purify your air. 
  • Ensure that natural light and air can get in and circulate around your home. 

Feng Shui in your living room 

Declutter and air out your living room to allow Feng Shui energy to flow freely through it. Add plenty of plants to bring the outdoors in. Make sure your furniture is comfortable, inviting and predisposing to relaxation. The position of your seating furniture should encourage communication.

Ideally, your sofa should face the door and be placed against a wall. This is the “commanding position” in the room and gives you a clear view of the door. Use the Bagua map to decide on the best shape for a coffee table and to choose the dominant colour in the room. 

To select the dominant colour, lay the map over the floorplan of your home and see which quadrant your living room falls into. For instance, if it falls into the family area, decorate with family heirlooms and opt for furniture in rectangular shapes.

If you have a fireplace in the living room, try not to make it the focal point by mounting your TV above it. Instead, Feng Shui’s interior design suggests that you declutter your shelves and only display items that are meaningful to you. This will create a sense of peace and harmony in your living space.

Feng Shui in your kitchen 

If your kitchen isn’t located at the back of your home as is advised by Feng Shui house layout principles, don’t worry. You can still bring positive energy to your cooking area.

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms for your health, and the stove is at its heart. If possible, avoid placing your sink next to the stove. 

This creates a clash between the two elements of fire and water. If your cabinets don’t reach all the way to the ceiling, fill the space between them with plants or kitchen decor to prevent the accumulation of negative energy and dust.

Use the Bagua map to find the best colour for your kitchen walls, cabinets, or custom backsplash. Adding metal and wood accents in your kitchen promotes productivity and strengthens family bonds. Make sure your stove is working correctly, and fix or discard broken items or appliances.

Feng Shui in your office

The rule of “less is more” is one of the most popular Feng Shui design principles. In the home office, this means decluttering and organising your desk so that only the furniture and items that contribute to your productivity remain. 

This also includes items that help you visualise your professional goals. By decluttering your desk, you create a space that promotes productivity and focus.

Your desk should be positioned facing the door with a solid wall behind you. This is the best commanding position for your desk because it defines how you face future business opportunities. 

Taking the time to consider the positioning of your desk is important because it can help you better face future challenges in your business.

Feng Shui principles advocate for harmony with the environment, so choosing a wooden desk for your workspace will help create a natural and calming aesthetic. 

To avoid clashing colours, opt for shades that will nurture your creativity, such as yellow, green, and blue. These hues have been known to relax the mind and help you focus on your work. If you’d like to add a pop of colour, go for a few red accents.

Feng Shui in your bedroom

Start by finding the commanding position for your bed — the largest piece of furniture in the room. According to Feng Shui interior design rules, it should rest against a wall and opposite the door. If it doesn’t have a headboard, buy one. Headboards create a feeling of protection and support. 

Choose a design with soft edges — an upholstered headboard is best. Avoid those made from metal, such as wrought iron. In general, avoid furniture with sharp corners, preferring decor that promotes tranquillity and rest.

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Our in-house design consultant can support your interior design

Whether you’re looking to redesign your home or office, it’s important to understand how certain features and surroundings can affect your physical and spiritual well-being. When it comes to decorating, feng shui and interior design go hand-in-hand. 

Often, when transforming a house or office, people want to choose the most appealing designs for their living spaces. The problem with this is that, often, appealing designs can be quite disruptive to the flow of energy in a room, which can lead to a negative environment that isn’t conducive to supporting an individual’s spiritual well-being.

Interior design can be a great way to spruce up your home, boost your mood, and increase your general happiness. Sometimes it can seem like a daunting task, though, especially when you’re facing a blank canvas and a pile of furniture and appliances to put in it. 

So, where do you begin? Luckily, we’re here to help by offering a range of services to make your interior design dreams a reality. Whether you’re looking for a complete overhaul, a few new pieces to add to your existing décor, or a simple consultation, PeterJohn Interiors can help.